Where quality & satisfaction are the standard. 

What We Do

We utilize years of combined experience to produce custom one-off material handling solutions such as tools, prototypes, carts, racks, mezzanines, fixtures and more. We’ll solve any problem while keeping safety in mind and utilizing creative thinking to ensure you become a return customer. We trial and test all our designs and fully stand by the function or won’t ship it out. Stop by and see what we do and feel confident we can handle any project or task no matter the scope, scale, or specification. 



Who We Are

Master Tool & Machine is a custom fabrication shop with over 25 years in business and many satisfied customers. We are welders, designers, engineers, machinists, fabricators, painters, all under one roof in Morrison, TN producing custom designs made to outlast the product/line they are for.

A Few of Our Satisfied Customers